Category Archive: Expired Slide

Seeing the Unseen – Tues 16th May, 6-8pm – An event for all ages!

Join us as we bring the unseen world of particles into focus through demonstrations and hands-on activities!

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Seeing the Unseen – Tues 16th May, 6-8pm – An event for all ages!

Join us as we bring the unseen world of particles into focus through demonstrations and hands-on activities!

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Gone Fission? – Sabrina Strauss – Tue May 2nd 2017 – 7:00 pm

Ever wondered what all the fuss is about with nuclear power? Ever wondered how it works? Join us as Sabrina Strauss demystifies nuclear energy and just how safe it is!

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Gone Fission? – Sabrina Strauss – Tue May 2nd 2017 – 7:00 pm

Ever wondered what all the fuss is about with nuclear power? Ever wondered how it works? Join us as Sabrina Strauss demystifies nuclear energy and just how safe it is!

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How You Became You – Origin of the Elements of Life – Timothy Beers – Tues Apr 18th 2017 – 7:00 pm

Join us as Prof. Timothy Beers presents the how the elements which make up the Universe around us were created.

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Seeing the Unseen – Tues 16th May, 6-8pm – An event for all ages!

Join us as we bring the unseen world of particles into focus through demonstrations and hands-on activities!

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How You Became You – Origin of the Elements of Life – Timothy Beers – Tues Apr 18th 2017 – 7:00 pm

Join us as Prof. Timothy Beers presents the how the elements which make up the Universe around us were created.

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Space Oddities and their impact on human history – Laura Bland – Tue Apr 4th 2017 – 7:00 pm

Space Oddities and their impact on human history – Laura Bland – Tue Apr 4th 2017 – 7:00 pm

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Space Oddities and their impact on human history – Laura Bland – Tue Apr 4th 2017 – 7:00 pm

Join us as Laura Bland tells us about how previous astronomical events impacted human history!

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More Perfect Than We Imagined: A Physicist’s View of Life – William Bialek -Tue Mar 28th 2017 – 7:00 pm

Join us as Prof. William Bialek, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, presents how evolution has developed mechanisms that operate at near the limits of physics.

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