Category Archive: Expired Slide

More Perfect Than We Imagined: A Physicist’s View of Life – William Bialek -Tue Mar 28th 2017 – 7:00 pm

Join us as Prof. William Bialek, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, presents how evolution has developed mechanisms that operate at near the limits of physics.

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A show of Fire & Ice – All ages event – Tues Mar 21st, 6:00 & 7:00pm

Join us for a fun filled show as we explain physics we see all around us through demonstrations using fire and ice! A FREE (but ticketed) event for all ages!

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A show of Fire & Ice – All ages event – Tues Mar 21st, 6:00 & 7:00pm

Join us for a fun filled show as we explain physics we see all around us through demonstrations using fire and ice! A FREE (but ticketed) event for all ages!

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Future Sky: Fate of the Earth & Universe in the Near & Distant Future – Grant Mathews – Tue Mar 7th – 7:00pm

Astronomy makes many predictions about the evolution of the future cosmos. Join us as Prof. Mathews takes up on a journey backward and forward through cosmic time.

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Future Sky: Fate of the Earth & Universe in the Near & Distant Future – Grant Mathews – Tue Mar 7th – 7:00pm

Astronomy makes many predictions about the evolution of the future cosmos. Join us as Prof. Mathews takes up on a journey backward and forward through cosmic time.

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Dark Matter – Antonio Delgado – Tue Feb 28th 2017 – 7:00 pm

What is Dark Matter? Why do we need it? What it is made off? Can we detect it? Join us to Prof. Antonio Delgado discusses the current state of Dark Matter research.

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Dark Matter – Antonio Delgado – Tue Feb 28th 2017 – 7:00 pm

What is Dark Matter? Why do we need it? What it is made off? Can we detect it? Join us to Prof. Antonio Delgado discusses the current state of Dark Matter research.

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A show of Fire & Ice – All ages event – Tues Mar 21st, 6:00 & 7:00pm

Join us for a fun filled show as we explain physics we see all around us through demonstrations using fire and ice! A FREE (but ticketed) event for all ages!

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Evolution and Life in a Synthetic Universe – Dervis Can Vural – Tue Feb 14th 2017 – 7:00 pm

Join us as we discover the rules which govern the Universe, how we use them to create a synthetic Universe and what that means for life as we know it!

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Evolution and Life in a Synthetic Universe – Dervis Can Vural – Tue Feb 14th 2017 – 7:00 pm

Join us as we discover the rules which govern the Universe, how we use them to create a synthetic Universe and what that means for life as we know it!

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