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  • The Color of North: The molecular language of proteins and the future of life

    Maggie Fink, PhD and Shahir Rizk, PhD
    Tuesday April 1st 2025 - 6:30 pm ET
    Leighton Auditorium, Main Branch, St. Joseph County Public Library

    Taking us beyond the confines of our own experiences, in their upcoming book, The Color of North, Shahir Rizk and Maggie Fink traverse the kingdom of life to uncover the myriad ways that proteins shape us and all organisms on the planet. Inside every cell, a tight-knit community of millions of proteins skillfully contorts into unique shapes to give fireflies their ghostly glow, to enable the octopus to see predators with its skin, and to make humans fall in love. Collectively, proteins orchestrate the intricate relationships within ecosystems and forge the trajectory of life. And yet, nature has exploited just a fraction of their immense potential. 

  • The medicine of life: Social life and survival in wild baboons

    Beth Archie, Ph.D.
    Monday May 5th 2025 - 6:30 pm ET
    Leighton Auditorium, Main Branch, St. Joseph County Public Library

    Beth Archie is a professor at the University of Notre Dame who studies the social lives of wild baboons in Kenya’s Amboseli ecosystem. Her work focuses on how social relationships affect an animal’s health, disease risk, and survival.

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